2012年11月30日 星期五


17: 耶和華這樣說:我要用我手裡的杖擊打河中的水,水就變作血;因此,你必知道我是耶和華。18:河裡的魚必死,河也要腥臭,埃及人就要厭惡吃這河裡的水。』」19:耶和華曉諭摩西說:「你對亞倫說:『把你的杖伸在埃及所有的水以上,就是在他們的江、河、池、塘以上,叫水都變作血。在埃及遍地,無論在木器中,石器中,都必有血。』」20:摩西、亞倫就照耶和華所吩咐的行。亞倫在法老和臣僕眼前舉杖擊打河裡的水,河裡的水都變作血了。21:河裡的魚死了,河也腥臭了,埃及人就不能吃這河裡的水;埃及遍地都有了血。

啟示錄 16:4  第三位天使把碗倒在江河與眾水的泉源裡,水就變成血了。

可見,<<聖經>> 是神所默示的。


【短片】海灘變紅海 都喺蟲蟲害? 
2012年11月28日 (08:56 am) / 最後更新:2012年11月28日 (11:57 pm)




2012年11月25日 星期日

2012年11月17日 星期六

2012 榮耀盼望 Vol. 134 摩西十災是挑戰埃及十個邪神

2012 榮耀盼望 Vol. 134 摩西十災是挑戰埃及十個邪神 

2012 榮耀盼望 Vol.134 摩西十災的多個視點對比啟示錄

2012 榮耀盼望 Vol.134 摩西十災的多個視點對比啟示錄 

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.133 突然增多的近地天體及火球

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.133 突然增多的近地天體及火球 

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.133 倫敦同業拆息

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.133 倫敦同業拆息 

It happens in your life,
It stune your savings.
It is a lie, a big big lie...

其中,關於末日預言有代表性有Mother Shipton、
諾查丹馬斯、Edgar Cayce和花地瑪(Fatima)預言,
及至近代的Web Bot和Remote Viewer,

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雖然世界政府攜手隱瞞Planet X的存在,
並Planet X有可能引發的災難,


2012年11月11日 星期日


2012年 -- 全球陷入「水深火熱」的一年,




原因,是因為Planet X接近地球,地球因為受到Planet X的引力影響,氣候因而變得極為反常。

這Blog的目的,是希望讓大家知道一個事實,就是Planet X的即將來臨,
Planet X在摩西時代、挪亞時代亦曾接近地球,


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<<Kolbrin Bible>>是一本埃及的歷史書, 入面有提及到歷史的滅亡經過,

入面提及到有一個「毀滅者」將他們滅亡, 而這「毀滅者」所對他們做成的情況,

是與聖經裡的摩西十災完全吻合!!這就是說, 以埃及的角度來描繪十災......

詳情請瀏覽 http://finalcall2012.blogspot.hk/2012/11/kolbrin-bible_8.html

2012年11月4日 星期日

X1.8 Solar Flare On Oct 22, 7th X Flare of 2012

The sun emitted a significant solar flare on Oct. 22, 2012, peaking at 11:17 p.m. EDT. The flare came from an active region on the left side of the sun that has been numbered AR 1598, which has already been the source of a number of weaker flares. This flare was classified as an X1.8-class flare.

A solar flare on Oct. 22, 2012, as captured by NASA’...
s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the 131 Angstrom wavelength. This wavelength of light is used for observing solar material heated to 10 million degrees Kelvin, as in a solar flare. The wavelength is typically colorized in teal, as it is here.

“X-class” denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength. An X2 is twice as intense as an X1, an X3 is three times as intense, and on. An X-class flare of this intensity can cause degradation or blackouts of radio communications for about an hour.
Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however — when intense enough — they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel. This can disrupt radio signals for anywhere from minutes to hours.

Video of the Oct. 22, 2012, solar flare as captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the 131 and 304 Angstrom wavelengths.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, which is the United States government’s official source for space weather forecasts and alerts, categorized the radio blackout associated with this flare as an R3, on a scale from R1 to R5. It has since subsided.
By observing the sun in a number of different wavelengths, NASA’s telescopes can tease out different aspects of events on the sun. These four images of a solar flare on Oct. 22, 2012, show from the top left, and moving clockwise: light from the sun in the 171 Angstrom wavelength, which shows the structure of loops of solar material in the sun’s atmosphere, the corona; light in 335 Angstroms, which highlights light from active regions in the corona; a magnetogram, which shows magnetically active regions on the sun; light in the 304 Angstrom wavelength, which shows light from the region of the sun’s atmosphere where flares originate.

Increased numbers of flares are quite common at the moment, since the sun’s normal 11-year activity cycle is ramping up toward solar maximum, which is expected in 2013. Humans have tracked this solar cycle continuously since it was discovered in 1843, and it is normal for there to be many flares a day during the sun’s peak activity. The first X-class flare of the current solar cycle occurred on Feb. 15, 2011 and there have been 15 X-class flares total in this cycle, including this one. The largest X-class flare in this cycle was an X6.9 on Aug. 9, 2011. This is the 7th X-class flare in 2012 with the largest being an X5.4 flare on March 7.
This flare did not have an associated Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), another solar phenomenon that can send solar particles into space and affect electronic systems in satellites and on Earth.

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More and more meteorite fall in recent year, do you know why?
Is this fulfilled the Revelation of the Bible which mentioned "the stars will fall from the sky"?
What will be the impact of the Earth bring from these cosmic dust?

A fiery meteorite crashed into southern Peru over the weekend, experts confirmed on Wednesday, but they remain puzzled over claims it gave off fumes that made 200 people il...
Local residents told reporters that a fiery ball fell from the sky and smashed into the desolate Andean plain near the Bolivian border Saturday morning.
Mechare, a scientist with Peru's Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, said a geologist had confirmed that it was a "rocky meteorite," based on the fragments analyzed.
He said water in the meteorite's muddy crater boiled for maybe 10 minutes from the heat and could have given off a vapour that made people ill, and scientists were taking water samples.
"We are not completely certain that there was no contamination," Mechare said.
Jorge Lopez, director of the Health Department in the state where the meteorite crashed, told the Associated Press on Tuesday that 200 people suffered headaches, nausea and respiratory problems caused by "toxic" fumes emanating from the crater, which is some 20 metres wide and five metres deep...

To Learn more please go to this website:
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Radiation fallout in fukushima on or about October 14th
A significant radiactive relase occured at Fukushima, which impact was detected in the USA.

On or about October 14th a significant radioactive release occurred at Fukushima. That release traveled with the Jet Stream and impacted the USA. The impact was detected on the Radiation Network in Eugene Oregon and Grand Rapids Minnesota. A detectio...
n was also indicated on EPA's RadNet in Anchorage Alaska. A recent detection in Hawaii indicate that more is on the way for CONUS. We would also expect European levels to spike near the Jet Stream as a result of both of these detections....

(To learn more:
 2012 榮耀盼望 Vol128 日本輻射影響的回顧與前瞻
2012榮耀盼望 Vol.107 輻射的禍害與影響
